Our attention to the environment

A sustainable mountain lodge to preserve the Presena Glacier:

The Capanna Presena mountain lodge is associated with the adjacent glacier. On one hand, we want to make this unique environment accessible, on the other we are committed to safeguarding it. Due to global warming, the surface of our ice giant is shrinking. This is why, in 2008, we launched a conservation project which plans to cover a portion of the glacier during the summer – over 100,000 m² – with huge geotextile sheets to prevent it from melting. The environmental benefits are evident, important both for the natural equilibrium of our mountains and for the communities that live at its foot. In addition, circular economy initiatives were instituted to give a second life to the discarded sheets.

Other eco-friendly measures
Because nature is our home

The mountain lodge has external insulation and uses electricity from 100% renewable sources. From a social point of view, we focus on sustaining the local economy. As far as gastronomy is concerned, we are among the first in the world to have obtained the certificate of “sustainable hut”.

“The mountain is not only snow and cliffs, ridges, streams, lakes, and pastures. The mountain is a way of living life.”

(Paolo Cognetti)